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Classes and Workshops

for MSC Graduates

Everyone who completes the MSC 8-week or short course is welcome to join our growing community of MSC graduates.

Summer 2022 Half Day Retreat 

We're excited to announce that we'll be hosting a hybrid in-person/online half day retreat for our course grads!






Pause Meditation

133 SW 2nd Ave #300

Portland, OR 97204


Register here



A half day of self-compassion practices guided by Kim Levan and Kristen Genzano. 




When: Sunday, July 10th

Time: 10a - 2p Pacific Time

Where: Portland or Via Zoom

Cost: Tiered Pricing

 - $25, $50, $75


Circles of Practice

An opportunity to connect with your peers and practice together.



We will revisit a theme from the MSC curriculum and have time for group sharing. 



Graduates will be emailed more details and a direct link to join the live call.

Going Deeper Workshops

MSC Graduates are invited to deepen their practice by attending one or all of the following half-day workshops.

  • Living our Core Values

  • Harnessing Fierce Self-Compassion

  • Working with Shame

  • Forgiving Ourselves and Others


Check back or sign up for our newsletter to keep informed of dates!

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